A collection of 25 interesting articles, as well as academic- and practice-facing literature, to mark the introduction of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
- The role of alcohol in the link between national football tournaments (soccer) and domestic abuse – evidence from England. By Anna Trendl and colleagues. Published in Social Science and Medicine (2021).
- Identified support needs for intimate partner violence engagement in an alcohol and other drug treatment sample. By Ashlee Curtis and colleagues. Published in the Journal of Substance Use (2021).
- ‘It’s devastating’: Margaret Atwood on a musical project honouring women killed by partners. By Alison Flood. Published in The Guardian (2021).
- Intimate partner violence, substance use, and COVID-19. Published by the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (2021).
- Women affected by domestic abuse and someone else’s substance use: Findings and recommendations from our project supporting women. Published by Adfam (2020).
- Domestic violence and substance abuse during COVID19: a systematic review. By Carmita Abdo and colleagues. Published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry (2020).
- ‘We have to put the fire out first before we start rebuilding the house’: practitioners’ experiences of supporting women with histories of substance use, interpersonal abuse and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. By Karen Bailey and colleagues. Published in Addiction Research and Theory (2020).
- The challenges of conducting qualitative research on ‘couples’ in abusive intimate partner relationships involving substance use. By Beverly Love and colleagues. Published in Qualitative Health Research (2020).
- The Dynamics of Domestic Abuse and Drug and Alcohol Dependency. By David Gadd and colleagues. Published in The British Journal of Criminology (2019).
- What works for whom and why: A narrative systematic review of interventions for reducing post-traumatic stress disorder and problematic substance use among women with experiences of interpersonal violence. By Karen Bailey and colleagues. Published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (2019).
- Gaps and contradictions in the policy and practice response to addressing Intimate Partner Violence perpetration by men in substance misuse. Published by the Society for the Study of Addiction (2019).
- Children living in households with the ‘toxic trio’ – mental health issues, parental substance misuse and domestic abuse. Published by the Children’s Commissioner for England (2018).
- Complicated matters: a toolkit addressing domestic and sexual violence, substance use and mental ill-health. Published by AVA (2018).
- Guest editor’s introduction to special issue: ‘Advances in understanding alcohol-related interpersonal violence’. By Robert Freeman. Published in Violence Against Women (2018).
- Integrated treatment options for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence. By Cory A. Crane and colleague. Published in the Drug and Alcohol Review (2017).
- Alcohol use, alcohol-related aggression and intimate partner abuse: a cross-sectional survey of convicted versus general population men in Scotland. By Elizabeth Allison Gilchrist and colleagues. Published in the Drug and Alcohol Review (2017).
- A framework for working safely and effectively with men who perpetrate intimate partner violence in substance use treatment settings. Published by King’s College London (2017).
- Living the cycle of drinking and violence: a qualitative study of women’s experience of alcohol-related intimate partner violence. By Ingrid M. Wilson and colleagues. Published in the Drug and Alcohol Review (2016).
- Alcohol’s involvement in an array of harms to intimate partners. By Anne-Marie Laslett and colleagues. Published in the Drug and Alcohol Review (2016).
- ‘You can never work with addictions in isolation’: gaps and contradictions in the policy and practice response to addressing intimate partner violence perpetration by men in substance misuse treatment in England. By Polly Radcliffe and colleague. Published in the International Journal of Drug Policy (2016).
- Interventions to reduce intimate partner violence perpetration among people with substance use disorders. By Caroline J. Easton and colleague. Published in the International Review of Psychiatry (2016).
- Domestic abuse and change resistant drinkers: preventing and reducing the harm: Learning lessons from Domestic Homicide Reviews. By Mike Ward and colleagues. Published by Alcohol Concern (2016).
- Mechanisms of alcohol-facilitated intimate partner violence. By Christopher I. Eckhardt and colleagues. Published in Violence Against Women (2015).
- Guidance: Domestic violence and abuse: multi-agency working: Public health guideline. Published by NICE (2014).
- Prediction of intimate partner violence by type of substance use disorder. By Fleur L. Kraanen and colleagues. Published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (2014).
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