How we use social media

The SSA uses social media (Twitter) to keep our members, those working in addictions, healthcare and interested general public informed about our work, new resources, research, conferences, training and other events.

Listed below are examples of the types of information we regularly communicate via Twitter:

  • News about Society-supported projects, awards and meetings
  • Practice guidelines and advice issued by professional bodies, such as NICE
  • Research papers, surveys and findings from other research bodies
  • Key statistics on alcohol, drugs, smoking and other addictions
  • News stories on alcohol, drugs, smoking and other addictions
  • International research and news
  • Webinars, conferences and other relevant events

Tweets about the above by the SSA does not imply endorsement of any kind.

What you can expect from us

If you follow us on Twitter you can expect between 35 to 75 updates per week, and our account is updated and monitored at least five days per week.

If you ‘follow’ or ‘like’ us on Twitter or Facebook, we will not automatically do the same with your page. Being ‘retweeted’, ‘followed’, or ‘liked’ by the SSA does not imply endorsement of any kind.

Communicating with you

We monitor Twitter replies and will respond if we feel it would be appropriate to do so.

Twitter may occasionally be unavailable and we accept no responsibility for lack of service due to Twitter downtime.

Find out more

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  • Your Content Goes Here