The latest Qualitative Methods Journal Club is now online. This month, the discussion focused on the process of asking participants to create timelines of their experiences, in particular the practice of creating ‘life-grids’. The QMJC talked about ethical issues and the potential benefits of using this approach. The article in question was part of a larger project about Hepatitis C avoidance among people who use drugs in London.
“The article encourages different ways of thinking about future research, particularly the need to always check matters that are important for research participants instead of imposing your own values on them.”
Read the full discussion here, and see the collection of QMJC meetings here.
In May 2022, members of the Department of Community Health and Prevention at Drexel University (Philadelphia, United States) took on hosting duties for the Qualitative Methods Journal Club (QMJC).
Original Article: “It’s not much of a life”: The benefits and ethics of using life history methods with people who inject drugs in qualitative harm reduction research by Magdalena Harris and Tim Rhodes. Published in Qualitative Health Research (2018).
by Rob Calder
Editor’s note: The title and link for this website entry was changed on 6 January 2023
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