
  • Podcast
    PhD Addicted to Research: securing extra funding
  • Interview
    Delivering brief interventions for alcohol use in custody suites: Dr Ruth McGovern talks to the SSA
  • Interview
    Sexualised drug use, chemsex and treatment access: Dr Matt Hibbert talks to the SSA
  • Blog
    International Women’s Day: the need for gender-responsive services
  • Blog
    International Women’s Day 2021
  • Blog
    Introducing the SMART Recovery Global Research Network
  • Podcast
    PhD Addicted to Research: goal setting and organisation
  • Interview
    Peer support workers and hepatitis testing and treatment: The SSA talks to Julian Surey
  • Podcast
    Addiction Audio: Online search behaviour and minimum unit pricing
  • Interview
    Vaping, smoking and gateway research: the SSA talks to Dr Jasmine Khouja
  • Podcast
    PhD Addicted to Research: your PhD supervisors
  • Interview
    Buprenorphine and incentives in treatment in the UAE: Dr Hesham Elarabi talks to the SSA