- Book excerptHeroin in 1940s America: ‘the work of this era only served to heighten the division between good and bad drugs’
- InterviewThe pan-American response to alcohol and violence against women
- PodcastCannabis use and bipolar disorder with Alexander Denissoff
- BlogStigmatising language in academic manuscripts: the view from a reader and peer-reviewer
- BlogQuick read: How does naloxone work?
- PodcastGambling, risk-taking and alcohol with Tori Horn
- PodcastBrief interventions, emergency departments, and alcohol with Paolo Deluca
- PodcastPodcast Profiles: The Drink Less app with Fred Yates prize winner Claire Garnett
- Policy guideA short history of gambling laws and regulations
- BlogQMJC April 2022: ‘Key informants’ and intersectionality in mixed-methods research
- BlogHepatitis C, injecting drug use, and the ‘syndemics’ framework
- PodcastEmployment and ‘IPS into work’ with WDP