
Annual Conference

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  • Event
    Annual Conference 2021: Alcohol and suicide
  • Obituary
    In memoriam: Dr Richard Saitz
  • Event
    Annual Conference 2021: Responding to the use of anabolic androgenic steroids
  • SSA
    Want to know the basics about topics like acupuncture, behavioural couples therapy, and co-production?
  • Event
    Annual Conference 2021: Addiction training opportunities in Europe
  • Event
    All SSA conference 2021 videos now available
  • Event
    Annual Conference 2021: The challenge of benzodiazepine use in the context of escalating drug deaths
  • Event
    Annual Conference 2021: In recognition of Professor Malcolm Lader OBE
  • SSA
    New landing pages on the SSA website
  • Event
    Annual Conference lecture: Professor Dame Carol Black’s independent review of drugs
  • Event
    Annual Conference Society Lecture: Professor John Kelly on recovery
  • Addiction journal
    US digital smoking cessation app for Black smokers