
Annual Conference

Book your place at the Annual Conference now and save up to £95

  • Event
    SSA conference poster winners
  • Event
    Annual Conference 2020
  • Event
    PhD Symposium 2020
  • SSA
    COVID-19 resources update
  • Event
    Annual Conference 2020: places still available
  • SSA
    SSA PhD Podcast launched today
  • Obituary
    Professor Malcolm Lader OBE, 1936-2020
  • SSA
    ‘PhD Addicted to Research’ podcast launched
  • SSA
    COVID-19 links and updates
  • Event
    Flashback Friday: Colin Drummond at the 2019 SSA conference
  • External
    A course on alcohol treatment from Drug and Alcohol Findings
  • Event
    Qualitative methods lecture: Dr Polly Radcliffe