Members and associates are invited to submit proposals for symposia at the 2025 Annual Conference in Newcastle upon Tyne.
The SSA’s conference organising committee would like to invite members and associates to propose ideas for symposia at the next Annual Conference. Symposia are special sessions in which subject-matter experts (e.g. people with lived or living experience, policymakers, practitioners, and researchers) deliver short presentations on a particular theme. Last year’s conference featured sessions on drug use in young people, gambling-related harms, and public priorities for alcohol research.
If you are an SSA member or associate (or would like to join the SSA this year), you can apply online by 12 February for the chance to deliver a symposium. Your application should include the details of three speakers, a budget for travel costs, declarations of interest, and an abstract of up to 300 words, describing the overarching aims and content of the symposium.
Please contact the SSA’s Operations Officer, Graham Hunt, if you have any questions.